Lost Origins

S02E05 - Lost Origins // The End of Humanity

Lost Origins

It is no secret that our world is changing. A quick peruse of social media or any given news outlet will quickly showcase the rapid downward spiral of the human condition. Our species claims to have achieved the most advanced zenith throughout our history and yet, we find ourselves divided. Humanity has ignorantly turned a blind eye to not only the societal shifts across the globe but also with respect to the negative implications that our consumer habits have introduced to our environmental conditions.

The planet is changing. In recent articles published by Scientific American and Science magazine, humanity has essentially been hit with a countdown - a ticking clock with an unforgiving lack of a snooze button. A small window exists for humanity to correct the wrongs of our destructive nature and unless immediate action is taken, our species could see its demise by 2050. This week, the team digs into this research, the hard science available to the world, and the simple ways we can band together to ensure the longevity of humanity is at the forefront of our daily decisions.

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