Time to Eat the Dogs

Time to Eat the Dogs

A podcast about science, history, and exploration. Michael Robinson interviews scientists, journalists, and adventurers about life at the extreme.


Title Duration Published Consumed
The Lessons of the 1996 Everest Disaster 00:33:04 2022-01-19 17:25
A Window to Heaven: The Daring First Ascent of Denali 00:33:28 2021-10-23 00:14
Replay: Sovietistan 00:34:58 2021-09-01 15:38
Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days That Launched SpaceX 00:37:39 2021-08-22 01:05
How to Be an African Travel Writer in Africa 00:37:15 2021-07-21 17:52
Portuguese Exploration After the Age of Discovery 00:38:32 2021-06-27 21:25
Replay: Do You See Ice? 00:29:50 2021-06-05 23:46
The Strange Journey of Ṣägga Krǝstos 00:34:04 2021-06-01 17:31
Replay: Empires of the Sky 00:40:30 2021-05-23 16:56
Inventing the World 00:30:36 2021-04-30 18:13
Replay: Running and the Science of the Extreme 00:35:17 2021-04-04 18:40
The Alchemy of Conquest 00:21:21 2021-03-27 14:24
Replay: Why Did Scientists Collect the Blood of Indigenous Peoples? 00:31:47 2021-03-17 02:36
Icebound 00:33:38 2021-03-12 03:29
Replay: A History of Modern Tourism 00:35:38 2020-09-04 16:08
Replay: Sea Wife 00:34:09 2020-08-29 17:07
Replay: Women in Antarctica 00:28:14 2020-08-22 01:00
The Argument Against Human Colonies in Space 00:35:02 2020-08-17 04:40
Replay: Pacific Exploration, Botany, and Revolution 00:29:11 2020-08-08 16:14
Replay: The Lost White Tribe 00:32:45 2020-08-05 15:20
Enemy of All Mankind 00:31:50 2020-07-31 01:08
Replay: Neptune's Laboratory 00:32:42 2020-07-25 17:41
Quantum Legacies 00:39:53 2020-07-22 18:02
Replay: ‘Ruling the Savage Periphery’ 00:28:57 2020-07-18 14:27
The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure 00:31:37 2020-07-10 17:46
Sovietistan 00:35:58 2020-07-03 23:40
Replay: Reimagining Liberation 00:32:34 2020-07-03 23:34
Sovietistan 00:33:59 2020-06-30 02:16
Replay: American Arctic Exploration 00:39:33 2020-06-27 03:12
How to be an African Travel Writer in Africa 00:37:15 2020-06-23 02:03
Replay: The Mystery of Altitude Sickness 00:24:46 2020-06-20 02:00
Empires of the Sky 00:40:30 2020-06-16 02:29
Replay: Love, Travel, and Separation 00:31:58 2020-06-13 02:00
Why Did Scientists Collect the Blood of Indigenous Peoples? 00:31:47 2020-06-09 04:04
Replay: Floating Coast 00:35:34 2020-06-06 02:00
A History of Modern Tourism 00:35:38 2020-06-02 02:00
Replay: Fifteen Million Years in Antarctica 00:30:01 2020-05-30 02:00
A Strange Week at NASA 00:26:48 2020-05-26 02:00
Replay: An Update from the Hobbit Cave 00:31:25 2020-05-23 01:56
Sea Wife 00:34:09 2020-05-19 02:00
Replay: China is Going to the Moon 00:32:31 2020-05-16 02:00
Women in Antarctica 00:28:14 2020-05-12 02:28
Replay: Malaria, Tonic Water, and Empire 00:26:06 2020-05-09 02:00
Pacific Exploration, Botany, and Revolution 00:29:11 2020-05-05 15:36
Replay: Hawaiian Exploration of the World 00:33:12 2020-05-02 02:30
The Lost White Tribe 00:32:45 2020-04-28 16:25
Replay: How NASA Plans Big Missions 00:30:16 2020-04-25 02:15
Neptune's Laboratory 00:32:42 2020-04-21 02:00
Replay: How George Putnam's Arctic Expedition Got into Trouble 00:27:49 2020-04-18 02:47
'Ruling the Savage Periphery' 00:28:57 2020-04-14 04:01
Replay: Searching for Life Beyond Earth 00:31:41 2020-04-11 02:31
American Arctic Exploration 00:39:33 2020-04-07 03:05
Replay: Assembling the Dinosaur 00:34:20 2020-04-04 01:00
Replay: Jessica Nabongo is Traveling to Every Country in the World 00:23:57 2020-04-01 00:40
Replay: Starlink is Blanketing the Earth with Satellites 00:34:31 2020-03-28 01:24
The Mystery of Altitude Sickness 00:24:46 2020-03-25 06:39
Replay: The City Built by Travel 00:32:25 2020-03-21 01:04
Love, Travel, and Separation 00:31:58 2020-03-17 02:04
Replay: Inuit Testimony and the Search for Franklin's Ships 00:32:58 2020-03-14 01:00
Reimagining Liberation 00:31:34 2020-03-11 08:53
Replay: Science, Islam, and Evolution 00:24:55 2020-03-07 01:00
Replay: The Polar Star is Falling Apart 00:25:36 2020-03-03 08:31
Replay: Mental Illness and the Mawson Expedition 00:40:29 2020-02-29 01:00
Floating Coast 00:35:34 2020-02-25 01:00
Replay: Anticipating the Astronaut 00:34:06 2020-02-22 01:00
Fifteen Million Years in Antarctica 00:30:01 2020-02-18 01:00
Replay: Why are Women Beating Men in Ultra-Endurance Events? 00:33:33 2020-02-15 02:00
An Update from the Hobbit Cave 00:31:25 2020-02-11 01:00
Replay: The Expedition that Tested Einstein's Theory 00:36:31 2020-02-08 01:00
China is Going to the Moon 00:32:31 2020-02-04 01:00
Replay: Chasing the Moon 00:25:42 2020-02-01 01:01
Malaria, Tonic Water, and Empire 00:26:06 2020-01-29 00:59
Replay: How We Talk about Apollo 00:27:50 2020-01-25 01:24
Hawaiian Exploration of the World 00:33:12 2020-01-22 01:00
Replay: Scurvy! 00:28:33 2020-01-18 01:00
How NASA Plans Big Missions 00:30:16 2020-01-14 04:27
Replay: The Human Exploration of Mars 00:37:19 2020-01-11 01:37
How George Putnam's Arctic Expedition Got into Trouble 00:27:49 2020-01-07 01:00
Replay: Escape from Nazi-Occupied Europe, Part II 00:47:37 2020-01-04 06:25
Replay: Escape from Nazi-Occupied Europe, Part I 00:37:23 2020-01-01 01:33
Searching for Life Beyond Earth 00:31:41 2019-12-27 18:02
Replay: Human Exploration of the Deep Sea 00:38:11 2019-12-21 05:35
Replay: Destined for the Stars 00:35:18 2019-12-18 05:34
Replay: Starvation Shore 00:24:08 2019-12-14 03:46
Assembling the Dinosaur 00:34:20 2019-12-09 23:49
Replay: Space Science and the Arab World 00:31:20 2019-12-07 01:00
Starlink is Blanketing the Earth with Satellites 00:34:31 2019-12-03 00:59
Replay: Travel, Race, and Freedom 00:37:42 2019-11-30 11:10
Replay: The History of Arctic Fever 00:36:35 2019-11-27 09:46
Replay: The British Expeditionary Literature of Africa 00:31:37 2019-11-23 00:55
Replay: Faces, Beauty, and the Brain 00:31:18 2019-11-19 01:00
Replay: New Insights about Darwin's Voyage 00:33:01 2019-11-16 01:00
Inuit Testimony and the Search for Franklin's Ships 00:32:58 2019-11-13 02:41
Replay: Women Wanderers of the Romantic Era 00:31:04 2019-11-09 02:00
Science, Islam, and Evolution 00:24:55 2019-11-07 02:00
Replay: Creatures of Cain 00:38:18 2019-11-02 01:00
The City Built by Travel 00:32:25 2019-10-31 01:00
Replay: Higher and Colder: A History of Extreme Physiology and Exploration 00:34:16 2019-10-26 02:00
Replay: The Medieval Invention of Travel 00:37:50 2019-10-22 02:00
Replay: Apollo in the Age of Aquarius 00:30:55 2019-10-18 23:57
Replay: After Leichhardt Went Missing 00:33:07 2019-10-15 02:00
Replay: African American Women and Jamaican Travel 00:29:27 2019-10-12 02:00
The Polar Star is Falling Apart 00:25:36 2019-10-09 02:00
Replay: Vast Expanses: A History of the Oceans 00:30:12 2019-10-05 02:00
Mental Illness and the Mawson Expedition 00:40:29 2019-10-01 00:53
Replay: Re-imagining People in Anthropological Photographs 00:26:54 2019-09-28 02:00
Replay: The Problem with Andrea Wulf's Biography of Humboldt 00:33:23 2019-09-24 13:33
Replay: The Galapagos Expedition that Vindicated Darwin 00:30:47 2019-09-21 02:00
Anticipating the Astronaut 00:34:06 2019-09-18 02:00
Replay: The Nazi Cult of Mobility 00:31:42 2019-09-14 02:20
Jessica Nabongo is Traveling to Every Country in the World 00:25:06 2019-09-10 02:00
Replay: The Last Wild Men of Borneo 00:30:21 2019-09-07 03:46
Why are Women Beating Men in Ultra-Endurance Events? 00:33:33 2019-09-04 02:00
Replay: Should We Colonize Mars? 00:38:57 2019-08-31 02:00
The Expedition that Tested Einstein's Theory 00:36:31 2019-08-27 02:00
Replay: Searching for the Origins of Humankind 00:32:35 2019-08-24 02:00
Chasing the Moon 00:25:42 2019-08-20 02:00
Replay: The Navigator in the Early Modern World 00:33:45 2019-08-17 04:20
Scurvy! 00:28:33 2019-08-13 02:45
Replay: Mountaineering and Glaciology after WWII 00:33:27 2019-08-10 02:00
How We Talk about Apollo 00:27:50 2019-08-06 02:00
Replay: Death in the Ice 00:27:03 2019-08-03 02:00
The Human Exploration of Mars 00:37:19 2019-07-30 02:52
Replay: How Isolated Tribes Fight Back 00:25:10 2019-07-27 02:00
Replay: Into the Extreme 00:33:48 2019-07-23 00:26
Escape from Nazi-Occupied Europe, Part II 00:47:37 2019-07-20 11:19
Replay: The Identity of the Traveler 00:41:49 2019-07-13 02:00
Escape from Nazi-Occupied Europe, Part I 00:37:23 2019-07-09 16:13
Replay: The Archaeology of Exploration 00:38:02 2019-07-06 02:00
Human Exploration of the Deep Sea 00:38:11 2019-07-02 02:00
Replay: Women, Aviation, and Global Air Travel 00:31:26 2019-06-29 04:16
Replay: The New Map of Empire 00:34:45 2019-06-25 02:00
Replay: Making Planets into Places 00:42:39 2019-06-22 02:00
Replay: The Making of 2001: A Space Odyssey 00:35:54 2019-06-18 02:00
Replay: Science and Exploration in the U.S. Navy 00:34:15 2019-06-15 04:05
Destined for the Stars 00:35:18 2019-06-11 02:00
Replay: After the Map 00:33:02 2019-06-08 02:00
Starvation Shore 00:24:08 2019-06-04 02:00
Replay: One Long Night 00:36:03 2019-06-01 02:07
Space Science and the Arab World 00:31:20 2019-05-28 02:00
Replay: Living on the International Space Station 00:33:49 2019-05-25 02:00
Faces, Beauty, and the Brain 00:31:18 2019-05-22 02:00
Replay: Aboriginal Australians' First Encounter with Captain Cook 00:33:27 2019-05-18 02:00
The History of Arctic Fever 00:36:35 2019-05-15 02:17
Replay: An American in Soviet Antarctica, Part I 00:33:10 2019-05-11 02:00
Replay: An American in Soviet Antarctica, Part II 00:33:48 2019-05-11 02:00
The British Expeditionary Literature of Africa 00:31:37 2019-05-07 02:00
Replay: The Mars Rover Curiosity 00:32:06 2019-05-04 02:00
Replay: What the Dead Can Teach Us 00:39:16 2019-04-30 02:00
Replay: Rethinking Humboldt 00:29:55 2019-04-27 02:37
Women Wanderers of the Romantic Era 00:31:04 2019-04-23 02:34
Replay: The 1948 Arnhem Land Expedition 00:31:11 2019-04-20 02:00
New Insights about Darwin 00:33:01 2019-04-16 02:00
Replay: Wild Sea: A History of the Southern Ocean 00:32:48 2019-04-13 02:00
Creatures of Cain 00:38:18 2019-04-09 02:54
Replay: Running and the Science of the Extreme 00:35:17 2019-04-06 02:00
Travel, Race, and Freedom 00:37:42 2019-04-02 02:00
Replay: The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition 00:41:44 2019-03-30 01:38
Higher and Colder: A History of Extreme Physiology and Exploration 00:34:16 2019-03-26 00:58
Replay: Watching Vesuvius 00:34:45 2019-03-23 01:00
The Medieval Invention of Travel 00:37:50 2019-03-19 01:11
Replay: Mapping the Polar Regions 00:32:01 2019-03-16 01:01
Apollo in the Age of Aquarius 00:30:55 2019-03-12 23:31
Replay: The Last Uncontacted Tribes 00:33:01 2019-03-09 01:00
After Leichhardt Went Missing 00:33:07 2019-03-05 01:11
Replay: Descartes, Traveler 00:31:09 2019-03-02 01:38
African American Women and Jamaican Travel 00:29:27 2019-02-26 01:00
The Revolution in Paleoanthropology 00:30:43 2019-02-23 04:41
Vast Expanses: A History of the Oceans 00:30:12 2019-02-20 03:28
Replay: Talking Exploration Books with Sarah Pickman 00:23:49 2019-02-16 01:00
Replay: The Biggest Exploration Exam Ever 00:34:29 2019-02-16 01:00
Re-imagining People in Anthropological Photographs 00:26:54 2019-02-12 01:00
Replay: Project Vanguard 00:31:44 2019-02-09 01:00
The Problem with Andrea Wulf's Biography of Humboldt 00:33:23 2019-02-06 01:40
Replay: Do You See Ice? 00:29:50 2019-02-02 01:00
The Galapagos Expedition that Vindicated Darwin 00:30:47 2019-01-29 01:00
Replay: The Journeys of Eslanda Robeson 00:30:39 2019-01-26 01:26
The Nazi Cult of Mobility 00:31:42 2019-01-22 01:00
Replay: The Rise of Women in Climbing 00:23:26 2019-01-19 01:00
The Last Wild Men of Borneo 00:30:21 2019-01-15 02:26
Replay: The Amazing Phytotron 00:31:33 2019-01-12 01:00
Should We Colonize Mars? 00:38:57 2019-01-08 01:00
Replay: Chasing Exoplanets 00:33:33 2019-01-05 01:09
Searching for the Origins of Humankind 00:32:35 2019-01-01 17:04
The History of Madagascar in Trade and Exploration 00:29:42 2018-12-29 01:00
Replay: The Medieval Pilgrimage 00:31:06 2018-12-25 01:46
Replay: Inventing the American Astronaut 00:35:04 2018-12-21 22:00
The Navigator in the Early Modern World 00:33:45 2018-12-18 03:16
Replay: How We Got the Scientific Revolution Wrong 00:34:57 2018-12-15 01:00
Mountaineering and Glaciology after WWII 00:33:27 2018-12-11 03:44
Replay: Monsters on the Map 00:28:33 2018-12-08 01:00
Death in the Ice 00:27:03 2018-12-05 04:54
Replay: The History of UFOs 00:33:39 2018-12-01 01:00
How Isolated Tribes Fight Back 00:25:10 2018-11-27 16:48
Backpack Ambassadors 00:34:00 2018-11-23 13:00
Into the Extreme 00:33:48 2018-11-20 01:05
Searching for Hobbits 00:33:03 2018-11-17 05:46
The Psychology of Extreme Environments 00:32:52 2018-11-15 01:02
Lands of Lost Borders 00:29:44 2018-11-12 23:47
The Identity of the Traveler 00:41:49 2018-11-06 01:10
The Archaeology of Exploration 00:38:02 2018-10-30 01:04
Women, Aviation, and Global Air Travel 00:31:26 2018-10-24 19:51
The New Map of Empire 00:34:45 2018-10-16 02:00
Making Planets into Places 00:42:39 2018-10-09 02:00
The Making of 2001: A Space Odyssey 00:35:54 2018-10-02 04:49
Science and Exploration in the U.S. Navy 00:34:15 2018-09-27 03:26
After the Map 00:33:02 2018-09-18 04:31
Living on the International Space Station 00:33:49 2018-09-11 02:00
One Long Night 00:36:03 2018-09-04 02:44
Searching for Hobbits 00:33:03 2018-08-28 02:00
Australians' First Encounter with Captain Cook 00:33:27 2018-08-21 02:00
An American in Soviet Antarctica, Part II 00:33:48 2018-08-15 03:18
An American in Soviet Antarctica, Part I 00:33:10 2018-08-07 02:00
The 1948 Arnhem Land Expedition 00:31:11 2018-07-31 04:25
Mapping the Polar Regions 00:32:01 2018-07-24 02:03
My Interview with Radio Canberra 00:21:25 2018-07-17 04:56
Watching Vesuvius 00:33:46 2018-07-09 20:44
Wild Sea 00:31:49 2018-07-03 16:07
The Egyptologist 00:30:04 2018-06-27 20:20
The Rise of the Megafire 00:49:02 2018-06-19 05:04
The Ebola Outbreak of 2013 00:24:55 2018-06-12 03:00
The Mars Rover Curiosity 00:31:07 2018-06-05 05:51
Psychology in Extreme Environments 00:31:53 2018-05-29 02:19
What the Dead Can Teach Us 00:38:17 2018-05-22 00:40
Rethinking Humboldt 00:28:56 2018-05-15 02:00
The Revolution in Paleoanthropology 00:29:44 2018-05-10 04:06
The Vanguard Project 00:30:45 2018-05-01 06:13
Descartes, Traveler. 00:30:10 2018-04-24 03:12
The Journeys of Eslanda Robeson 00:29:40 2018-04-17 15:18
The Medieval Pilgrimage 00:30:07 2018-04-10 15:18
The Last Uncontacted Tribes 00:32:02 2018-04-03 17:42
Bonus Episode: Exploration Books 00:22:50 2018-03-27 05:25
The Biggest Exploration Exam Ever 00:33:30 2018-03-27 05:20
Backpack Ambassadors 00:33:01 2018-03-20 18:03
The History of Madagascar in Trade and Exploration 00:28:43 2018-03-13 15:43
Lands of Lost Borders 00:28:45 2018-03-06 05:49
The Ebola Outbreak of 2013 00:25:04 2018-02-27 01:00
Inventing the American Astronaut 00:34:05 2018-02-20 03:33
The First Americans on Everest, Part II 00:31:34 2018-02-13 03:48
The First Americans on Everest, Part I 00:29:13 2018-02-13 03:34
The Falcon Heavy 00:29:42 2018-02-06 04:25
How We Got the Scientific Revolution Wrong 00:33:58 2018-01-30 04:35
The Egyptologist 00:30:04 2018-01-23 17:35
In Search of Brightest Africa 00:26:55 2018-01-16 21:44
Chasing Exoplanets 00:32:34 2018-01-09 04:21
Monsters on the Map 00:27:34 2018-01-02 04:20
The Amazing Phytotron 00:30:34 2017-12-26 20:59
The History of UFOs 00:32:40 2017-12-19 05:55
Can You See the Ice? 00:28:51 2017-12-12 14:11
California is Burning 00:16:47 2017-12-08 04:17
NASA in the Age of Trump 00:26:33 2017-12-05 04:21
The Mystery of the Franklin Expedition 00:40:43 2017-11-28 01:41
The Ascent of Women Climbers 00:22:21 2017-11-21 01:22
The First Americans on Everest 00:29:31 2017-11-18 19:22
The Science of Running 00:34:19 2017-11-18 18:55
Rise of the Megafire 00:49:11 2017-11-18 17:54