The School of Greatness

Celebrate Full Circle

The School of Greatness

Oh man, so many things I'd forgotten about. Pictures of me in every phase (including the chubby "Flewis" days, college football, and some black and white model shots haha). My old letter jackets, trophies, and jerseys from sports. Newspaper clippings, letters, comic books, footballs (lots of those). It was a hoot. But it got me thinking. Sometimes I get so caught up in achieving and what I still want to accomplish that I forget to acknowledge myself for what I've already done. So here's an invitation in 5 Minute Friday to celebrate where you've come from and what you've already overcome, learned, and done with your life. It's time to look back in Episode 417 on The School of Greatness.

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The School of Greatness

417 Celebrate Full Circle @ The School of Greatness

📆 2016-12-09 03:06 / 00:07:40

The School of Greatness

The 2nd Cadillac Confessions @ The School of Greatness

📆 2016-12-07 12:01 / 00:17:37

The School of Greatness

416 The 2nd Cadillac Confessions @ The School of Greatness

📆 2016-12-07 11:56 / 00:17:39