Confessions of a Media Manipulator with Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday is the most famous person you've never heard of. He's the mastermind behind some of the biggest names online. People like Tucker Max, Robert Greene, American Apparel, and Tim Ferris have all worked with Ryan. In this interview, you'll hear about how Ryan has leveraged blogs and social media to cause stories and content to spread like wildfire. I've also embedded the trailer to his book below as well.
Here are some highlights from our chat:
- How Ryan Ended Up As an Apprentice for Tucker Max

- Finding an Influential Mentor for Your Blog or Business
- The Power of Connecting with Somebody On the Rise
- Why Meeting People Face to Face Is Important
- How Ryan's Word of Mouth Marketing Campaign Put Tucker Max on the New York Times Best Seller List
- How to Leverage Internet Coverage to Get Offline Coverage
- Why Many Blogs Want Your Story
- A Look Into Ryan's Book Writing Process
- How Ryan Wrote His Book in 3 Months
- A Look Into One of the Most Interesting Marketing Plans Ever
- Why You Must Have Some Sense of Accomplishment Every Single Day
- The Factor that Separates the Most Successful People in the World from the Others
- How Ryan Organically Grew His List to over 5,000 Subscribers
Ryan Holiday is the author of Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
and a Forbes
contributor. You can follow him on twitter @RyanHoliday.
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