The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Why Do I Sabotage Myself With Food? with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Are you ready to transform your relationship with food in a lasting and meaningful way? What if you could help others find the path to greater freedom and joy with food as well? 
Why Do I Sabotage Myself with Food?
Do you feel like you sabotage yourself with food? Join Marc David, Founder of The Institute for the Psychology of Eating, on the topic of self-sabotage and why we sometimes use food to thwart ourselves. So often, the reasons why we go against our own best interests are not so obvious. Learn more in today’s episode!
Key Highlights:
check mark button Here’s the true definition of the word sabotage: Sabotage means to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct. Please note the word deliberate.
check mark button Some of the most compelling psychological models have this to say: we're not just one person, we're a the episode to learn more!
check mark button We all have a child within us who wants what it wants when it wants it. We also have an inner teenager or a rebel who could care less about what anybody else thinks…
check mark button When we go against ourselves, what most people call self-sabotage is more likely the voice of our inner child, or our inner teenager, or the inner rebel inside us that takes over.
check mark button Your job is to never fight, belittle, or attack yourself. Your job is to listen, to learn, to embrace, to forgive, and to act with skill and kindness.
Have questions? We’re here to help! Leave your questions in the comments below, or contact us directly at: [email protected]
Why Do I Sabotage Myself With Food?
Why Do I Sabotage Myself With Food in 2021?
How to Stop Sabotaging My Diet
Why Do I Self Sabotage My Diet?
why do I sabotage myself
why do I sabotage myself in 2021
why do I self sabotage myself
how to permanently stop self-sabotage
how to stop self-sabotage
emotional eating
how to stop self-sabotaging
mental health
personal growth
self-sabotaging behavior

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